The Just Landed Blog

Home Keeps Moving for Third Culture Kids

Heidi Sand-Hart kindly sent us a copy of her book, Home Keeps Moving. Heidi was born to a Norwegian father and a Finnish mother, but she grew up in India and the United Kingdom. This unique experience classifies her as a Third Culture Kid (TCK) – someone who grew up in a culture other than either parent’s.

Home Keeps Moving follows her and her missionary family on their many moves through the eyes of a Third Culture Kid and the unique phenomena of having four very different home countries to relate to.

Heidi is most passionate about her upbringing – not that it is hard to conceive, considering her luck. She highlights not only the benefits, but also the struggles that TCKs have to deal with. Feeling left out and dealing with different schooling systems are but two examples.

Despite not being a textbook TCK myself, I can’t help but relate to some of the feelings Heidi depicts. Yet, the overall tone leaves us wanting. Countless children grow up in different countries, making the TCK experience not quite as unique and privileged as Heidi would have us believe.

In spite of our “‘shallow’ talk and immature behaviour”, as Heidi puts it, the TCKs at Just Landed still talk to us non-TCKs. I like to think it’s because we have more in common than just a workspace.

Although an endearing tale of relationships with people, with countries, and to home, Home Keeps Moving should be taken as a collection of personal memories rather than a TCK bible.

Find out more about Heidi and her book at

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