The Just Landed Blog

4 top tips for an international move

No-one looks forward to moving house, when you’re moving country at the same time there is even more to get done. It can seem there are too many things to do and not enough time to get them done!

Robinsons Relocation, one of the top five UK specialists in UK, European and International moving and relocation provided us with these tips.

When planning an international move, staying organized is essential. Here are 4 tips to help you get organized and make it as stress-free as possible.

1) Make lots of lists

In order to really get organized you need to make lists – for everything. You will have arrangements to make for the movers, the moving trucks, closing out bank accounts, shutting off your utilities, paying your old debts and on and on. The best way to handle all of these tasks is to begin with a list of things that you have to do. Make a checklist and then go through it, tick tasks off as you complete them.

2) Pay off bills

Do this as early as can before your actual move. Paying off bills before you leave your current country means one less worry following you to your new location. Make sure that you take care of utility bills when you leave and pay up credit cards and other monthly bills at least a month or so in advance

3) Get your paperwork together

If you are moving for work you will need to ensure that all of your paperwork is in order. Regardless of whether or not work is involved you will want to be certain that you have passports, visas and other needed documents on hand for the move. Check what is needed where you are going, you may need to get new paperwork, like a translated and certified birth certificate. Make sure that you also take the time to change your address with creditors, banks, investment companies, insurance companies and anyone else you make regular payments to.

4) Pack a travel bag

You are certainly going to need a few personal items with you when you arrive and before you get to unpacking boxes. Before you start boxing up clothing and other essentials, take the time to pack a bag of necessities to take with you on your trip. Things like socks and underwear, a few days’ worth of clothes, makeup and toiletries will make you much less stressed out when you arrive at your new location.

Keep cool!

There is nothing that will take all of the stress out of relocating to an international relocation but by following these few tips you can make the process run a bit more smoothly. Remember your lists! You will soon find it is time to begin unpacking in your new home and you will wonder why you were so worried to begin with.

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