The Just Landed Blog

An intern’s diary: The Just Landed company conference 2012

Last Thursday, the Just Landed team had a great day for their annual company conference – and I’ve only just recovered enough to blog about it. The team assembled at 9am in front of the Just Landed office. With a fleet of cars ready to ferry the team to the meetings (thanks to all the designated drivers) we set off to this year’s location: La Pedriza, a little town about an hour from Madrid.Unfortunately, not everyone had the required navigation skills and this resulted in some cars arriving rather late. Luckily, this didn’t conflict with the day’s planning and the team headed off up the mountain.It was a lovely hike up the mountain, following the trail of the river. Since it had been pretty cold the days before, it was very slippery in places but the view and the flora were amazing – especially for the people who have not lived in Spain that long. After about an hour it was time for a little break and a team-building exercise. The game was based on team communication and support. A rope was tightened around three poles and the team had to help each other out over the string using only a wooden board. This of course led to hilarious consequences. After the game, the team descended the mountain to get to the restaurant where a delicious lunch was served – then it was down to business. In the conference room, a mixture of presentations were planned from the various departments of the company. Each department showed what the daily activities included and what the past year looked like. This was very interesting for the employees to see what their colleagues deal with day to day.This year’s event was a complete success. Everyone had a nice time, a beautiful hike, a tasty lunch and an educational afternoon with company presentations.
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