Author: Kat Ashton


It’s Krampus time…

Christmas is a time of joy, merriment and present giving, usually paired with copious amounts of alcohol and rich food. However, there are some countries in Europe that stray away from this perfect Hallmark...


How to culturally adapt like a pro

When moving abroad, many expats often underestimate how much culture shock actually impacts upon their mental and physical health as this often means changing cultural practices, values and norms. You’re always going to meet those...


5 best countries for U.S expats

Completely unrelated to the events of the past week, of course, we’ve compiled a list of the best countries to emigrate to if you’re from the U.S. Forget Canada, (we hear the immigration website’s...


Country of the Month: Mexico

Mexico is the country to go to for a good fiesta, and you couldn’t pick a better month than November to visit the land of guacamole and overly large hats. Especially if you’re also...