Vote for Just Landed as “BEST Expat Website”

What a hard working bunch eh?
Ever wanted to express just how grateful you are to the Just Landed team for all the hard work and dedication they’ve shown over the years in helping you and other expats all over the world?
Well, now’s your chance!
Wow! How can I vote?
Don’t worry – it’s simple! All you have to do is fill in a survey all about your life as an expat (no difficult questions, we promise!) and at the end, don’t forget to select Just Landed as “BEST expat website”.
What’s in it for me?
Good question. There are numerous prize draws of £1,000 in cash for you (or if you’re feeling flush and particularly philanthropic, you can even select to give to a charity of your choice), £50 Amazon vouchers and £25 Lebara SIM cards are also up for grabs.
What happens to the information?
The information will be used by The Expat Survey (consultants on business and media strategy).
Fear not as the data is not sold or disclosed. They analyse the findings to help companies better engage with their audience – so you can do your “one good deed” for the day without even having to leave the house.
The research programme is live right now, so click here to vote