Author: Daniel Tschentscher
We have compiled some statistics on German expatriates. Our new overview of the German expatriate market compiles information on the total number of German expats, their professional background and their motivation for moving abroad....
We are excited to announce the translation of our China expatriate guide into Italian. With the help of translator Giuseppe Orlando, we have made our information on visas, housing, health, education, and more available...
We have enhanced our guide for expatriates in Hong Kong: Our extended guide now includes information on banking, language learning, education and doing business in Hong Kong (both in English and German). Since the...
Ever wondered which language was spoken most on which continent? While browsing the web we found these statistics ‘wrapped’ into a neat world map picture: This picture from the language portal shows which...
Our analysis of worldwide expatriate markets is now available in German as well. Analyse des Expatriate-Markts Laut UN-Statistiken lebten in 2005 mehr als 177 Millionen Expatriates außerhalb ihres Heimtlandes, bis 2010 wird die Anzahl...
You probably have heard this question before: “What is exactly is your target market”? Of course, we hear this question a lot as well, and our answer has so far been straightforward: “Anybody living,...
According to a new study from the German expert association for integration and migration, more than 180,000 qualified workers have left Germany since 2003. One of the most affected sectors is the medical sector:...
Companies do not want to bring expatriates home: Despite the economic crisis, the majority of companies operating in Germany want to leave their expatriate professionals abroad. According to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), only...
We’re happy to announce the launch of our community and our small ads in Chinese. There are more than 40 million Chinese living outside of China, and every year more than 35 million Chinese...
The Just Landed community is now available in Spanish! We hope that this will make life easier for all of our Spanish-speaking members. ¡Bienvenidos a los Hispanohablantes! ¡Nuestra Comunidad para los expatriados ya está...