Author: Jade Carracedo


Money saving tips for expats in London

Expatistan recently compiled their index of the world’s most expensive cities and maybe unsurprisingly, especially for those already inhabiting the British capital, London came in first place. It is notoriously expensive for tourists and Londoners...



Most of what is known about Scotland by the rest of the world has been inferred from films like Braveheart and Trainspotting. However, Scotland is not simply the country of whiskey-guzzling, kilt-wearing, bagpipe-playing jocks...


Xenophobe’s guide to the…

Culture shock is an inevitable part of moving to a different country and sometimes we could all do with a helping hand. The Xenophobe’s guide to the… series provides up to date cultural insight...


Unusual foreign laws and customs

A recent press release from the British Foreign Office observes that the number of travellers finding themselves in trouble after coming up against unusual foreign laws and customs is on the rise. As far-flung,...