Where is Justin?

We are waiting for Justin to arrive to Just Landed in 2011, and we don’t know where he is.

If you help us find him, you might be the winner of a special Christmas gift. The sooner you start, the higher your chances! To participate, just join our competition on Facebook.

Here’s what you have to do:

1. Choose one photo of you at your favourite destination.

2. Copy Justin’s image and paste it somewhere in your photo, along with a message to your friends.

You can either download Justin pictures from our facebook album,  use these thumbnails or download transparent background pictures.

3. Upload your foto to OUR wall: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Just-Landed/101039936602654?v=wall

4. Share your photo with your friends to “Like” it (if they “Like” it on yours, we won’t see how many likes you have!).

The sooner you start, the more likes you can collect. The two photos that get more “Likes” will get Justin’s Landing kit: a t-shirt, a cup, a bag and a cup with our friend’s picture:

You have until December 27th at 6 PM GMT, when Just Landed will announce the winner!

To see the latest submissions, go here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Just-Landed/101039936602654?v=photos

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