Introducing ‘Premium’ ads

We have over a million people a month visiting our sites for housing, jobs and classifieds. Common questions from users posting ads have been, “how do I get more visibility for my ads?” and “is there a way to have my ad at the top of the list without refreshing it every day?

To provide a simple solution to this problem, we have just launched a feature to make ads ‘Premium’. This means they show up at the top of the listings for relevant categories and locations and have a bigger picture and more information in the listings.

Example of premium ads on Just Landed

The cost is €2.95 for 30 days and to activate a premium ad you just need to:

  • Go to ‘My posts’
  • Click on one of your posts
  • Click on the ‘Make premium’ button

Happy to hear feedback on pricing, what the service does or other payment options which you might like to have included – contact us

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Simon Lynch says:

It looks like your ads may have been held for manual review. In this case we don’t always show the premium option to prevent people from spending money if the ads are going to be blocked for some reason. It should work for you now.

LADY says:

Same problem!!!

“You need to be logged in and looking at an ad you have posted yourself from the same account. You should see the ‘make premium’ information on the top right of the screen. Please get in touch if you still have a problem as we would like to help.”

I did all that is said here!
and I still don’t see ‘make premium’ !!!

Simon Lynch says:

You need to be logged in and looking at an ad you have posted yourself from the same account. You should see the ‘make premium’ information on the top right of the screen. Please get in touch if you still have a problem as we would like to help.

li jack says:

i want to make my ADs premium, but when i click on one of my posts, i can not find the botton”make premium”, can you explaine to me?
thanks with best wishes

Simon Lynch says:

We have been having a few problems with premium ads over the last weeks. If you are having a problem, please get in touch (click on the link above) as we would really appreciated to hear about it and try to fix it.

ivan says:

I can not let my announcement premium, as I do?